
Friday 28 October 2016

Afar People of Gewane Ethiopia

Gewane is a small place between the Asab-road and the Awash-river, in the north east of Ethiopia. 

Afar are nomadic people but Gewane Afar stay in their village most of the time because in the sixties large state-owned farms were created at the banks and in the swamps of the river and Gewane Afar don't have to search for water.

Afar People of Gewane Ethiopia

The young people are employed at the farms, which are privatised, and the elders are busy discussing local politics or family-affairs.

 Afar People of Gewane Ethiopia

A local committee is formed to take care that the relations between the farm managers and the Afar goes smoothly. These committee members get a salary and this way they also benefit from the activities of the farmers. Although for 30 years this is their way of live, Afar still consider themselfs as free shepherds and owners of the soil on which onions are now growing.

Afar People of Gewane Ethiopia

Some Afar have sharpened their teeth, which is done with the knives they are carrying. All men carry a long stick, have a big knive and are dressed in mainly white. Women dress more colorfull.

Afar People of Gewane Ethiopia

The Ancient City of Harar Ethiopia

Harar is home to 102 mosques and is considered a world heritage site by UNESCO

Ancient City of Harar Ethiopia

It was founded in the 12th century and in 1520 was captured by Ahmed Gragn (the left-handed) who from Harar invaded large parts of Ethiopia. In 1875 Harar was captured by the Egyptions and in 1887 by Menelik II who appointed Ras Makonnen, the father of Haile Selassie, as it's governor. 

 City of Harar Ethiopia

The former house of Haile Selassie can be visited and is momentarely used by a healer, who with herbs can cure you from a lot of diseases. The French poet Rimbaud has lived in Harar as a trader. Ask for the Rambo house and a guide will bring you to a beautiful mansion which is in restoration.

All around the walled city and in it are bigger and smaller markets among it the famous chat market.

market Harar Ethiopia

chat market Harar Ethiopia

With a guide it's possible to visit some original Harari houses, which are beautiful painted and sculptured. 

Harari house

Harari house

Harari house

Harari house

Harari house
The Hyena man is considered as The tourist attraction of Harar, which in my opinion does no credit to the rest of the city. But for those who like to tremble and shudder, for a few dollars you can see men feeding the hyenas in the evening. Just ask your hotelmanager or guide to arrange it.

The beauty of Harar are it's colorfull people and it's unique atmosphere.

Harari people

It's a pleasure to walk around the city, look at the people and bargain at the markets.

Harari people

As a centre of commerce which it used to be, Harar feels like a place where people live and let live, a laizez faire mentality. At the same time it looks like a khasba which didn't change in it's centuries of existence.

Harar marketplace

St Mary's church was built a few yards away from 
HaileSelassie's birth place in honor of the new born. 

St Mary's church harar

This site is found far in the country hills of Harar. 
Only about 150 households are Ethiopian Orthodox and the remaining community is Muslim. The yellow flowers are called "Meskel Flowers". 

 "Walled City" of Harar

Donkeys in the "Walled City" of Harar. 

This city is entirely Muslim and is considered the third holiest land outside of Mecca.

 "Walled City" of Harar

Inside the town walls are markets lining the sides of the stone path. The people are selling everything from vegetables to herbs to fabrics and frankincense.

Fresh Lavender from the market in the "Walled City". 

 "Walled City" of Harar

The locals use this plant in their vegetarian dishes. It smells sweeter than the herbs we have in the West.

Harari women in traditional dress, Eastern Ethiopia.

Harari women

The Harari people, also called Geyusu, are an ethnic group inhabiting the Horn of Africa. 

Harari kid

Members traditionally reside in the city of Harar, situated in the Harari Region of eastern Ethiopia.

Because of it's cultural legacy, UNESCO declared Harar, Ethiopia a "World Heritage Site".

 Harar, Ethiopia a "World Heritage Site"
To maintain this status, the people are not allowed to build any new buildings, so many families of different religions live together in the same house and have done so for hundreds of years. 

 Harar, Ethiopia a "World Heritage Site"

This rare display of harmony also led to UNESCO awarding Harar the peace prize. 

It's one of only a few of cities to receive both designations from UNESCO. 

 Harar, Ethiopia a "World Heritage Site"


Harar is worthwile visiting. One of the many surprising faces of Ethiopia.

 Harar, Ethiopia a "World Heritage Site"

Great Salt Lake Utah, USA Hemispheric Reserve

Great Salt Lake Utah Nature Reserve Location

40-42' n, 112- 113'W, within Davis, Box Elder, Tooele, Salt Lake, and Weber counties, Utah, United States.
Great Salt Lake Utah nature reserve


The lake averages approximately 3,750 sq. km. (1,500 sq. miles) with fluctuations between 2,331 - 6,216 sq. km. (900-2400 sq. miles).


Great Salt Lake (GSL) is a closed basin saline lake located in Northwestern Utah, within the Great Basin. The lake varies in depth and voulme with climatic conditions. GSL is at an average elevation of approximately 4,200 feet above sea level and contains a range of salinities from 5 - 27 %.

Great Salt Lake Utah usa nature reserve

Made part of a "three way twinning" with Laguna Mar Chiquita and Mono Lake in June, 1992 because of similarities in ecology and the fact that all three support large numbers of migrating Wilson's phalaropes. 

Great Salt Lake Marsh with Wasatch Mountains to the east nature reserve


No accurate counts exist for most shorebirds using the Great Salt Lake. The few studies that have been conducted suggest that high numbers (perhaps millions) use the lake for breeding and migration. For some species, such as the Wilson's Phalarope, it is a major staging area. A one-day aerial survey in July, 1986 estimated 387,000 Wilson's Phalarope and 600,000 were estimated on a single day in July, 1991. Numbers of Red-necked Phalaropes, which seem more variable, have been estimated as high as 300,00+ on a single day. Recent ongoing studies suggest that at least 5- 10,000 Snowy Plover nest on the alkaline flats surrounding the lake. The current estimate for breeding American Avocet is 40,000 and Black-necked Stilts 30,000.

The following species have been recorded on the Great Salt Lake:

  • American Avocet
  • Baird's Sandpiper
  • Black-bellied Plover
  • Black-necked Stilt
  • Buff-breasted Sandpiper
  • Common Snipe
  • Dunlin
  • Greater Yellowlegs
  • Hudsonian Godwit
  • Killdeer
  • Least Sandpiper
  • Lesser Golden Plover
  • Lesser Yellowlegs
  • Long-billed Curlew
  • Long-billed Dowitcher
  • Marbled Godwit
  • Pectoral Sandpiper
  • Piping Plover
  • Red Knot
  • Red Phalarope
  • Red-necked Phalarope
  • Ruddy Turnstone
  • Sanderling
  • Semipalmated Plover
  • Semipalmated Sandpiper
  • Short-billed Dowitcher
  • Snowy Plover
  • Solitary Sandpiper
  • Spotted Sandpiper
  • Stilt Sandpiper
  • Upland Sandpiper
  • Western Sandpiper
  • Whimbrel
  • White-rumped Sandpiper
  • Willet
  • Wilson's Phalarope

Also recorded in the area are the Mountain Plover, Wandering Tattler, Hudsonian Godwit, Buff-breasted Sandpiper, Semipalmated Sandpiper, and Curlew Sandpiper.

The Great Salt Lake is also important to many other species. Hundreds of thousands of Eared Grebes stage on the lake, fattening on the abundant brine shrimp. One of the world's largest populations of White-faced Ibis nests in the marshes along the east side of the lake. The GSL hosts the largest number of breeding California Gulls, including the world's largest recorded single colony. Approximately 150,00 breeding adults have been documented in recent years. The American White Pelican colony on Gunnison Island ranks in the top three in North America. up to 17,000 breeding adults have been recorded. Numerous other species depend upon the lake, such as Franklin's gulls, waterfowl, herons, egrets, terns, raptors (including Bald Eagles and Peregrine Falcons), and songbirds.

Land Use:

Recreation and tourism, mineral extraction, sport hunting, brine shrimp harvesting, and lake side coil and copper refineries.


Development of Southern and Eastern shores, primarily industrial, urban, agricultural, recreational and tourism threaten the lake. Plans for a major highway connecting Salt Lake and Davis Counties, that would bisect many GSL wetlands is also a threat, as is the possibility of using the lake as a dumping site for contaminated soil (arsenic and lead) from a super fund site. Attempts to stabilize water level and salinity could severely threaten the Lake's ecology. This is due to poor understanding of the Lake's ecosystem and the effects of alterations, especially to the Lake's saline component and connected organisms such as brine shrimp, brine flies and to a large degree, many shorebirds.


The lake is primarily owned by the State of Utah, with large blocks of land falling under the management of the State Department of Natural Resources and U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service. Above the meander line (4202-4215ft.), ownership is largely private, with some Nature Conservancy land and many privately-owned duck clubs.

Effective Protection:

Parts of the Lake are included in USFWS and State refuges as well as Nature Conservancy Lands.

Management and Research Activities:

In the mid-1980's, all of Bear river Migratory Bird Refuge was inundated by the Great Salt Lake and the refuge was Closed. The flood waters have receded and the refuge was restaffed in 1989. An Environmental Assessment on the restoration and expansion of the refuge was finalized in 1991. Refuge objectives highlight shorebird management and as restoration continues, shorebird use will be enhanced.

A concept plan for an Intermountain West Joint Venture, under the North American Waterfowl Management Plan, is nearing completion. The Great Salt Lake and shorebirds are highlighted in the plan. Implementation of the joint venture will lead to partnerships that will protect and enhance shorebird habitat.

The Utah Division of Wildlife Resources is conducting several studies designed to determine the extent of shorebird usage at selected sites around the Great Salt Lake. An annual survey of migrating Wilson's Phalaropes using the lake each year is being conducted by UDWR personnel under a contract with Hubbs Sea World. A study of temporal and spatial distribution of shorebirds is being conducted by the Utah Cooperative Fish and Wildlife Research Unit, and is jointly funded by the Utah Division of Wildlife Resources (UDWR) and Region 6 of the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service ( Regional nongame migratory bird and North American Waterfowl Management Plan (NAWMP) funds. A study to determine the nesting and foraging habitat requirements of the Western Snowy Plover around the lake is being undertaken by the Cooperative Research Unit and funded by the UDWR. Twice a year, several volunteers participate in the PRBO Pacific Flyway Project survey on the Great Salt Lake.

The UDWR, with help from the Fish and Wildlife Service, is currently working to identifying lands important, or potentially important to the management of shorebirds around GSL.

Sunday 23 October 2016

The Kavos Greece Guide

Kavos is a small town in Corfy, Greece, "The Emerald Isle" or it is  known as "The Greek Ibiza."

kavos greece corfu



If you are going to Kavos during June - August, I would advise to wear a comfortable T-Shirt before you get on your flight from the UK. Ok, people will might think you're a bit weird for getting on the flight with a thin T-Shirt and shorts/skirt especially if it's freezing outside, but as soon as you get off the plane at Corfu Airport the heat hits you. All the people getting on the flight with Eskimo clothes on will wish they had done the same. Especially waiting for their suitcases. Trust me Corfu airport is one hot annoying place. I know this from experience. Some people wear big coats, crazy!! Remember you are going to the med not Manchester. Your bodies natural central heating system still thinks your in England so you tend to sweat naturally.


In Kavos booze is very cheap, the cheapest decent bottle of beer is AMSTEL 500ml, this costs around 0.65 Euro which is around 40p in English. Be aware that you can buy booze during the day and before you go at night from the supermarket, you can buy crates of beer at a cut down price. Also with most supermarkets and shops, if you bring the crate back with the empty bottles intact they give you some of your money back, this is around 3-4.5 Euros (2-3 quid). Ok its not much but put it this way 4.5 Euros is a couple of drinks. Amstel collect the bottles and reuse them. So keep that in mind instead of lobbing the empty bottles off the balcony or in the bin.

As for bottles of any other label I am unsure about the price, remember that any bottles you buy in the UK are brewed in the UK. Most of the labels bottles e.g. W.K.D, Barcardi Breezer, Hooch & UK popular labels have to be imported from mainland Greece so you will be expected to pay that extra. Some supermarkets are open late night in Kavos, so if you're gagging for a beer buy its cheaper to buy from the shop than the bars and clubs, and a lot quicker to get served.

Good UK beers on tap are quite rare in Kavos, because the importation costs are high.....however the Scorers Bar do Boddingtons and Caffreys on tap also the Face bar, expect to pay around £3 pint though.

What is a good idea is to buy lots of crates and get hammered on your balcony before you go out. Make sure you give the beers a few hours in the fridge, because warm beer/bottles will give you a nasty stomach ache. The heat out there is HOT!, so prepared to wait a while for them to cool down. Some supermarkets don't refrigerate their bottles, this is because they are in crates, so get the booze in a few hours before you go out. As for wine, I never looked at the price, though I'm sure its very cheap. All med wines are cheap and popular.

Always keep topped up with bottled water in your apartment, because you don't want to come back to your apartment totally smashed to realise that you're going die of thirst during the night/early morning. NEVER drink the tap water, no matter how thirsty you are, some guy last year caught legionaries disease through drinking the med tap water. This is the most extreme case, but most of the time you are at risk of getting the sh**ts or becoming ill for a few days. So remember it's worth going back out to find a bar that sells bottled water (all bars do). Bottled water in Kavos from the supermarkets is ridiculously CHEAP, so stock up with lots.


If you are going to Kavos self-catered (which most people do) then you can eat out very cheap. For a full English breakfast you can pay around £1.40 - £3.20, that includes full English breakfast with a drink. Their are a few good restaurants in Kavos that do good breakfasts, however an English Breakfast abroad never tastes anywhere near as good as home in the UK. It's easier to eat out rather than stock up your own grub for the morning, however in the afternoon I tended to go to the supermarket and buy food to take back to my apartment to cook up.

If you want some grub coming back from your Kavos raving beware of what you purchase from the takeaways, Kebabs are dodgy in the UK, so at a holiday resort they are going be far more dodgy, you don't want to have food poisoning like I did for two days. Just be careful and see if the meat is cooked properly, because the takeaways are going to be hammering the food out if their is a big queue and some of it isn't going be cooked 100% just the same as the UK. Don't let this put you off, their are some very good takeouts in Kavos...just be aware.


I can't advise anyone on how much to take to Kavos, it depends if you are a big spender, a small spender or a stupid spender. On average £600-£700 should do you a good time for 2 weeks if you don't go stupid. However £600-£800 should see you a mint time if you've got the cash. I personally would take 50% of my cash in Travellers cheques (don't knock them), you can get then exchanged off your local exchange easily and at least you are insured if you lose them or have them stolen. Remember nobody keeps found travellers cheques that somebody has lost, but they will keep money. You will be able to keep your passport safe in a deposit box if you wish (your rep should mention this), this is much safer than keeping it in your apartment. In the extremely unlikely case of a robbery while you are gone you don't want your passport stolen, also your money 'so' consider Travellers cheques. Get your cash exchanged at Thomas Cook for the best deal.

Mopeds (scooters)

I think all the guys know that when they get to Kavos they want hire the mopeds. These guidelines are for more the lads than the women, seen as though the women are much more sensible with them. Right ok here is the low down, most of the accidents that happen in Kavos are motorbike related (just thought we would mention that). You can loan a scooter for as little as £8 a day, that is 9-5 PM, however if you pay for what you get...if you are willing to pay £12 - £15+ squid then you will get a higher cc engine. If you have not ridden a motorbike before then hire the lowest cc to get use to it and a more powerful one the next day when you are much more confident. If you go for the powerful bike first with no experience, you will most certainly come off it sooner or later. You can hire the crosser bike that has gears and a clutch, they are one of the fastest but also the more dangerous and noisy. Beware that if you crash the bike you will have to pay for the damage, when you loan a bike they take your passport so you will have to bring it back if you have crashed one in a ditch. I knew one guy who had crashed 2 bikes in a day, it added up to around £500 quid in fines. If you're prepared to take that chance and go wild on a bike, remember the consequences that if you crash you will receive a free broken neck and bike repair cost. Before you loan the bike check the brakes are working correctly and the steering. If you don't and your brakes are nakered, it will be too late to realise when you are driving down a road and you realise your brakes a mashed just before you hit the back of a over.

Other than that the bikes are amazing and you can view Corfu to its full beauty rather than stay in Kavos. Go down some of the Corfu outback to have a heck of a bike ride.

Dodgy Del Boys & Flower sellers.

Beware of the Gypsy Del Boys and Rose Flower sellers who walk the streets of Kavos trying to flog you gear such as laser pens that don't work and glow in the dark sticks. If you are prepared to buy something off them always haggle, you can knock them down to peanuts. This also works with the roses they sell, always haggle. Beware of the little scroats that walk with them, most probably their kids...that can pick pocket in bars and street when it's hammered. *NEVER! let them hold your wallet or purse to let them pick out how much they want to charge you.* Also never hand the little scroats your wallet or purse because they will just run off with it.

Dodgy designer labels.

Kavos shops are flooded with fake Ralph Loren and DKNY gear such as caps, belts and tops. Well I can't knock some of the gear because the fakes are very good ones, I bought a DKNY cap for £4 quid which is a exactly the same as the original for £40. You cannot tell the difference. As for the clothes I don't know, I wouldn't chance it incase they fade in or dye in the wash. But from the looks of them they are very good fakes. By far better than UK fakes.


I don't need to tell you how hot it is in Corfu, If you are pale skinned when you go over, through lack of UK sun go for a factor 15 and no less for the first few days. Always remember to put it on as well, because if you go out in the sun for more than 30 minutes without it you will most certainly peel and burn which will ruin the rest of the holiday (sunstroke even). Don' worry about taking lots of lotion as well, the shops in Kavos sell good labels.

Mosquito Repellant

Personally nothing works fully to keep mosquito's out of your room, whether they be plugs, repellant or the mosquito candles. These just keep them at bay. You can only prevent yourself from being eaten alive. Everyone seems to go for the plugs which are quite effective...though the plug I used last year was pants, the mosquito's were sat on it laughing, saying 'is this all ya got mate!'. I would personally go for the plug and after sun repellent lotion. Some people don't get bitten once while they are on holiday, mosquito's go for a blood you may not even get touched whilst in Kavos...on the other hand you might be a 4 course meal so always take the plugs just incase, I think Superdrug do one for a around £5 with a good supply of repellent tabs for 2 weeks. If you have one from a past holiday, you can by the tabs from the supermarkets for around 0.6 Euros (40 pence) a box. The Corfu tabs are a lot more affective than the ones sold in the UK.


Before you set off in a Taxi, always sort of out the charge before hand. Remember haggle! haggle! haggle!. You will always get your price down from what he charges.

Never try and take some substances over with you, trust me. At the end of the day it's not worth having a criminal record and being ring raided over a few pills.

The Girl’s Guide to Kavos Greece

This post is dedicated to Corfu "The Emerald Isle" or better known as "The Greek Ibiza."

Kavos is the ideal place for the single girl, because it is full with sexy boys all looking for the same thing as we are and not wearing much! Everyone knows that anything goes when you’re on holiday, but as we are apparently the “weaker” sex, there’s some things we need to look out for that boys don’t have to worry half so much about.

kavos gr


This applies anywhere, and you must also make sure you keep an eye on whoever is buying it for you. What tends to happen in Kavos is that you’ll form a big clan of about 20-30 of you after the first couple of days. Usually people form their groups after the booze cruise because that’s an all day drinking, swimming and sunbathing fest. The sad thing is, there’s always going to be at least one arsehole who you can’t trust.

The most important thing is to make sure you watch your back and look after your mates. Unfortunately it is extremely difficult to keep your head screwed on when you’re drinking so much that you have no time to sober up in between sessions. Just remember not to put yourself in a position where you have to rely on anyone other than yourself.

Alright, on a lighter note, here are some things to consider:

Most clubs don’t care what you wear, so its wise to invest in some comfy trainers or some heels that aren’t too high.

A lot of the apartment complexes have little or no security. For example, last year we stayed at Batarolla which is right out past the Ekati complex and Marina and Alexandra apartments. We were in the middle of the trees, about twenty minutes walk from the centre of Kavos with no phone, no reception and obviously no safety deposit box. There was an outside staircase with no lighting which led to our door. The door was so flimsy that when I got locked out and was banging hard on it to wake my mates up, the lock gave way. We ended up having to stay with some other girls that we met. If you are genuinely concerned about the security where you are staying, contact your rep, ours got us a new lock and a light for the stairs.

You can either be a player or you can find a nice one and stay with him. I met a guy in the departure lounge at Gatwick and apart from one wild night, I stayed with him until the end. However, he lives 200 miles away so after a couple of weeks of texting and email, we decided it wasn’t worth it. So basically, don’t get too loved up and don’t expect anything from anyone.

Remember to stick by your mates, some of the worst fall outs between friends happen on holiday when everyone is hot, drunk and probably spending too much time together, so keep it cool.

Take a lot of sun cream with you because it’s ridiculously hot in July and August. Last year Corfu caught part of the heatwave from South Africa and it was 45F 122C for about a week. Even the locals were moaning about the heat. Be especially careful on the booze cruise.

Be careful not to walk about on your own, i.e. don’t go exploring without your mates and a jeep because just north of Kavos, it quickly turns into complete wilderness for miles. 

Also, don’t leave yourself at the mercy of cab drivers!

Bars in Kavos Greece

Kavos Night Life

Kavos is a village on the island of Corfu, Greece, in the municipal district of Lefkimmi. 
It is a lively resort heavily devoted to tourism, and has recently become popular with young holiday makers from Britain and Northern Europe.

Kavos gr

The main part of Kavos is the long strip parallel to the coast, which contains many restaurants, hotels and shops. 

 Kavos Greece

Kavos Bars

Forum Bar
The Forum Bar is the first bar you hit when arriving into Kavos. The Forum Bar is a regular bar during the day playing films and series on tape (Friends etc.). At night it is a Karaoke bar until 3am in the morning. With comfortable seating and a hell of a laugh with Karaoke the Forum Bar has its followers every night for the Karaoke sessions.

Net Bar

net bar  Kavos Greece
The Net Bar is situated across from the Forum Bar. The Net Bar plays films during the day and night, also is a regular spot for the Libra bar crawl. With a superb sound system and new big screen TV the Net Bar also offers Internet access throughout the day and night.

The food is amazing and HUGE portions! Greek and English dishes.

Face Bar

 Kavos Greece bar
The Face Bar is a large bar with pool tables, amusements and cafe. The Face bar plays series during the day such as Only Fools and Horse's & Friends. While at night they host a selection of films with a large projector screen. The Face Bar also offers Internet access.

Beetle Pub

The Beetle pub is a Karaoke bar, the bar offers films to watch during the day and breakfast + meals during the day. The Beetle pub is regularly packed with the bar crawl excursions for the Karaoke sessions. An excellent laugh if there are a few of you.

JC's Bar

The notorious JC's is world known for his famous Kavos headf**ker drink for 2000 Drx. JC's is situated down a side ally next to the Golden Taverna restaurant. It is heavily packed on most nights with excursions such as the stag & hen night. The interior of JC's is 70's America looking with pictures of Elvis and a American Bar layout and seating. You haven't done Kavos until you've tried JC's headf**ker.

Address: LEFKIMMIS-KAVOU, Corfu, Kerkira, Greece

La Scala
La Scala is situated around the back of the Legends bar. It's a very chilled bar and regularly visited every night by workers resting. La Scala possibly do the best cocktails in Kavos. The bar is situated away from the main street, with comfortable seating and chilled atmosphere it makes a change from them mad Kavos nights.

Legends Bar

The Legends Bar is situated to the left of the Beetle Pub. The Legends bar plays a selection of films during the day and at night plays a selection of commercial dance and a few nights a week a regular visit for the bar crawl excursions.


Scorers bar is a sporting bar that plays all the football matches live off Sky Digital during the day. If no sport is on they will usually host a selection of films during the day. Scorers has Boddingtons & Caffreys on tap also is transformed at night into a commercial dance bar with DJ.

Rockys Bar

rockys bar kavos

Rockys is the first big commercial dance bar that you will hit from the north end of Kavos. Rockys has two sections the front has 2 bars and a wide screen projection screen. The back is inside closed doors to keep the sound in when the Police come by after 1 o'clock. Rockys pounds out a selection of thumping commercial and classic dance. The bar is open only at night and is always packed.


Ministry Bar

The Ministry bar was only built in 2000. Facing the Venue nightclub the Ministry plays some decent garage, house and odd trance tracks. The bar is regularly visited by the Escapades bar crawl.

Manhattans Bar

Manhattans bar has an American western interior and exterior, they bar plays a selection of commercial dance and 70's tracks. With a nice sound system inside the bar is original in design and do some nice cocktails.

42nd Street

42nd Street is a long bar that plays a selection of everything commercial. The bar sometimes opens early due to football matches. 42nd Street is regularly visited by the bar crawls and has its followers into cheezy dance.

Snobs Bar

Snobs bar probably has the best bar sound system in Kavos. Upgraded this year you cannot miss the speakers blowing you away as you walk past. The large speaker system is facing outside the bar so you have more people outside on the steps then inside the actual bar itself. Snobs bar plays a selection of Trance tunes old and new, with a thumping atmosphere outside this what makes Snobs bar a tad different from the rest.

Buzz Bar

Buzz bar is nearly directly opposite Snobs Bar, the bar is quite large and plays all commercial dance. It is regularly packed with excursion bar crawls and stag & hen nights. The bar is situated on the front of the Trabukos swimming pool and is nearly always packed every night.

Empire Bar

Empire bar is situated next to Futures. Empire bar is a cocktail bar that sometimes do very good deals on cocktails. The bar extends at the back though this isn't filled until peak season. The bar plays commercial dance throughout the night and has its regulars at the apartments close by.

The London Bar

The London bar is behind the Firebar. The London bar plays all Garage and sometimes can switch to Drum & Bass for brief moments. The London bar is situated away from the main street and is more of a regular bar for those into there Garage scene. Don't smoke Da Reefa.

Firebar / Summer '99

The Firebar got its name from being basically one of the first bars in Kavos to set the bar on fire and other things as well. The bar for 2000 plays a selection of old skool and hardhouse. Probably the only bar in Kavos that plays hardhouse. A bit of a change from the commercial cheeze scene.

Tango Bar

The Tango Bar is apart of the Lefkimi Hotel. With seating arrangements outside the Tango bar plays a selection of commercial dance though can at times play recent non-released tunes. It's a handy bar for those staying in the Lefkimi Hotel.

Rolling Stone

Sick of all this dance music then head down to the Rolling Stones. The Rolling Stone is one of the most famous bars in Kavos for playing its 60's, 70's, 80's, Rock, Indies and Manchester type music. The Rolling Stone is always packed every night, the atmosphere is very good and it makes a change from the dance scene.

Memphis Bar

Memphis bar is quite a large bar situated next to Limelights path entrance. Playing a selection of commercial dance and chart music Memphis bar is open until 2-3 am. The bar also has a piercing and tattoo studio inside that do everything under the sun.

Reggie Bar / Dark Bar

The Reggie Bar is situated on Limelights path. The bar is a pre club bar for Limelight. With a nice chilled atmosphere and away from the hustle and bustle of Kavos main street the bar has a good feeling inside. The bar plays a selection of chilled house and trance tunes.

Time Bar

Time bar has two sections the bar. The front has a seating area and the back has a small dancefloor area. The Time Bar is regularly visited by the bar crawl excursions and plays a selection of thumping commercial dance music and also some old classics. Regularly packed every night.


Roadblock was only just built in 2000, with a very good looking interior and all new sound system and decks Roadblock is probably the most underrated bars in Kavos. Roadblock plays a very good selection of Garage, House and Trance throughout the night. The dancefloor is very large with boxes for you to dance on. The bar shuts around 1.30 - 2 AM.

Crash Bar

The Crash bar is most famous for its all Garage scene. The bar is quite small but has a very tidy interior and is visited always by regulars during the season. The Crash bar plays commercial garage and the regulars probably will say it's the best garage bar in Kavos.

Sammys Bar / Papagalo

Papagalo bar is what I call an everything bar. During the day Papagalo serves meals, good English Breakfasts and films. At night it is transformed into a Karaoke bar inside open until the early hours. Regular free punch is available outside the bar.

Jungle Bar

The Jungle bar is situated on the front of the Oasis apartments by 18-30's. The bar is not always packed due to where it is situated however they do very cheap drinks and a very good interior to go with it. I think the Jungle bar is a very good first bar before you hit the main street.


The SOS bar is a more chilled family bar, the bar offers a pool and pinball machine and wasn't intended to be a loud bar but a quite one for a chat with your mates etc. During May when I finished work it was an excellent bar just to have a bit of peace and quiet. The atmosphere is friendly and far away from the main street.


Bonkers is a bar situated on the 2nd Street of Kavos. The bar plays a selection of Trance and House music that can thump out onto the street. Mostly the bar is full of regulars & this year resident Johnny Blair the DJ was thumping out some tunes.

Edelweiss Bar

Edelweiss Bar is situated next to Mr Beans bar. Edelweiss plays a selection of cheezy dance tunes, the bar is always full of the regulars. Patrick the bar owner is a very friendly geezer and always talks to all his customers in the bar. The bar offers a good friendly atmosphere and a nice kick off bar for the night.


Mr Beans

Mr Beans is a bar that also like Edelweiss Bar plays a selection of chart music. Mr Beans cocktail bar is open during the day serving meals as well. The bar has some very good accommodation behind the back for those seeking it.

The Barn

The Barn is excellently situated with a swimming pool around the back. The Barn is open day and night and regularly hosts the football during the day when big matches such as the England games pop up. The bar has an inside also that has great atmosphere for football matches. The bar plays a selection of house and garage at night and is easily the biggest bar along that stretch of Kavos. With DJ Johnny Kipper playing every night.

Splash Bar

Splash bar is another Garage bar situated near the South end of Kavos. It is the first Garage bar for you to hit from the South of Kavos and has its regular punters every night. The bar serves cocktails it also has a nice friendly atmosphere and good seating.

Stoned Bar

The Stoned bar is quite hidden away from the other bars. It is a chill bar after you've been for a smoke, with a mint interior and seating at the far end of the bar. Ideal for a group gathering.



S-EX (Whispers)

Club Sex changed its name in 2000 from Whispers to SEX. The club was refurbished in 1999 and fitted with a foam machine and EV sound system. SEX offers a foam party every night at a charge of 1000 Drx. The club plays a selection of commercial music and the odd time has mixed DJ's playing a selection of there own music. The club has a bar outside that is very chilled with comfortable seating. After the club you can head down to SEX on the beach. This is a 24hr beach bar that at night until the early hours has a BBQ and beach fire. I was there every night after myself and the rest of my worker mates had finished work to chill on the beach bar until sunrise. The sunrise should not be missed.

Venue Nightclub

The Venue has hosted some big name DJ's  and the clubbers guide to Travel by Ministry of Sound. The club has a pre-club bar that is open air. The club opens at 1pm and plays a random music type every night, some nights will be Garage nights whilst others might be commercial dance. It differs throughout each week. The club itself inside can easily fit 1500.


Futures is an all commercial club that is always packed due to its location and 18-30 promoting. The club is situated smack bang in the middle of Kavos. The club has three bars opens at 1am and closes at 4am. The club plays commercial dance but also on some nights will play old skool nearer the end of the night. Futures is the ending for the club 18-30's bar crawls.

Future Atlantis

Future Atlantis was built for 2001, and is probably is very trendy indeed with a large seating area and fountains behind the back of the club. The bar has a waitress service and Internet cafe which is probably the best in Kavos with web cams, cd-writers and lots of other equipment.


Limelight is one the most popular clubs in Kavos due to its out door swimming pool and real club atmosphere. Limelight plays a selection of hardhouse and trance with resident DJ Trevor Hall and guests throughout the summer. In 2001 the club hosted Trinity's biggest clubbing events that seen the likes of Pied Piper, Shola Ama and the Ministry of Sound. The club itself has a superb original interior with spiraling stairs and different bars scattered around the club. Limelight's beach bar 'Lazy waves' is open 24/7 with beach fire so you can go and chill on the beach after a wicked nights clubbing.

Checkers + Lap dancing club

Checkers has always been favored by the Kavos workers. The club opens at 9 for the lap dancing sessions and closes in the early hours. Checkers is the only lap dancing club in Kavos. The club has a large outside court area with comfortable seating arrangements. The inside of the club itself is enclosed, this all adds to its superb atmosphere. The music policy on Checkers is Hard Trance and House / US House and Garage. Watch them walls move. Checkers is the first club in Kavos ever to have a lap dancing scene.

Fairmont Chateau Lake Louise Canada

The Fairmont Chateau Lake Louise is a Hotel on the eastern shore of Lake Louise,  Alberta. 

Fairmont Chateau Lake Louise

The original hotel was developed at the turn of the 20th century by the Canadian Pacific Railway and was "kin" to its predecessors, the Banff Springs Hotel and the Château Frontenac. 
The hotel's wooden Rattenbury Wing was destroyed by fire on 3 July 1924. It was then replaced by the current Barrot Wing one year later. 
The Painter Wing,  is the oldest existing portion of the hotel. The Mount Temple Wing, is the most recent wing and features modern facilities like the Mount Temple Ballroom.

Toll Free (Room Reservations only): +1 866 540 4413
Address: 111 Lake Louise Drive, Lake Louise, Alberta,  Canada T0L 1E0
TEL + 1 403 522 3511

Banff National Park Canada

Banff National Park is Canada's oldest national park

Address: Alberta T0L, Canada 
Area: 6,641 km²  
Province: Alberta  
Established: 1885
Phone: +1 403-762-1550 
Management: Parks Canada  
Nearest city:Calgary, Alberta 
Coordinates: 51.5°N 116.0°W  
Visitors: 3,609,639
World Heritage Site
Beautiful views, cool attractions, nice trails, amazing glaciers, lakes and much more! 

Breathtaking, Grand, Majestic, Amazing,Transcendental... Just a few words that come to mind. 
The summer months are very busy, so make arrangements  in advance. 
In the winter months, Banff transforms into a sleepy ski town. 
Many people refer to Banff NP, Lake Louise NP, and Jasper NP as  the most incredible and unique landscape that the world has to offer. 

Banff National Park is

Banff National Park was established in 1885 in the Rocky Mountains, Alberta, Canada. 
Banff National Park Canada

The Banff National Park is is located 180 kilometres west of Calgary in the province of Alberta, encompasses 6,641 square kilometres of mountainous terrain, with numerous glaciers and ice fields, coniferous forest, and alpine landscapes. 

Banff National Park Canada
Provincial forests and Yoho National Park are neighbours to the west.

Kootenay National Park is located to the south and Kananaskis Country to the southeast.

The main centre of the Banff National Park  is the town of Banff.