
Friday 16 December 2016

City of London

Living in London can be a very exciting experience. 


Not many people know that London is known as one of the most visitor friendly cities in the world. You will find hat London is such a highly diversified city with space and a place for everyone to live. Everything you can think of is readily found here where there is a plethora of entertainment media. From ancient museums to modern opera houses, London boasts of a fine mix of people from different races, tribes and cultures.

London city

So, it is possible on a Monday morning to see an asian with an African talking as if there were no racial divide. The exciting nature of this city is thus what is responsible for the mass movement of people towards its hub for either vacations, schooling or work. And be cause of its ever increasing and teeming populace, London always a spot open for anyone who might be interested.


One of the more common bar jobs in London that anyone could easily pick up is the position of a bar tender. This position is commonly occupied by students who have a need to work their way through school. The fact that the job offers the opportunity of a shift also makes it a favorite of most students. The requirements for this job are not much. All you need is the ability to be polite, nice, and friendly as you will be having a lot of contact with people who either club or party. The job rates start from 1000GBP a month. But with continuous efficiency, you can easily get the bar manager to increase the salary.

London bar

London’s night life is extremely intoxicating. If you love to club or party, or just like unwinding after a hard day’s work, you would always find a spot for yourself. Someone once said that if you find London boring, then you might as well lie down and die. London has a plethora of entertainment options. For those who love opera music, you would find the opera houses very welcoming as they host some events through the year. If you love clubbing, you will find a vast array of clubs; from rock, to techno, to hip hop, London provides you with all the entertainment you need.


There are various events hosted throughout the year by a number of bodies and organizations. For instance, those who love pop music will find the Party in the Park one day pop event very satisfying. Football fans can watch a live match and participate in the euphoria of knowing that teams like Chelsea FC , and Arsenal have their headquarters in the city.

London park

Art lovers will most definitely find a large collection of museums and art galleries at their disposal. London is home to many historical museums and art galleries. A quick tour of London’s museums will bring you to Tate Modern, and the Design Museum. The Tate Museum boasts of a collection of historical treasures from the 18th century. With all of these and more, you will find visiting London or living in London a pleasant experience.

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