
Thursday 17 November 2016

Alaska - Import/Export and Permits

How can I obtain specific information about importing and exporting wildlife, including obtaining CITES permits?

Call our Import/Export office at the Anchorage International Airport, at 907-271-6198. They can answer questions regarding the restrictions and regulations governing the import/export of wildlife and provide general information, and application forms. The Import/Export Office is authorized to issue Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species (CITES) permits for the export of black bear, brown bear, wolf, lynx, and river otter.
The Office of Management Authority (OMA) issues CITES permits for other species, and can be contacted at 1-800-358-2104. You may also wish to the visit the Service's International Affairs homepage.

What do I need to export wild game meat or trophies from the state of Alaska?

The State of Alaska requires an export tag for most big game trophies. For specific information, you should contact the Alaska Department of Fish and Game in Juneau at 907-465-2376, in Anchorage at 907-267-2100, or any of their local offices. You may also contact the Alaska State Troopers, Fish and Wildlife Protection Division, through any state trooper post. When exporting wildlife, Service regulations may require that you file a "Declaration of Import/Export of Wildlife" Form 3-177 at the time of export. Depending on the species exported, permits may also be required. Information concerning these requirements can be obtained from the Import/Export office at Anchorage International Airport. Their telephone is 907-271-6198.
Can I import a polar bear that I killed legally in Canada?
The Marine Mammal Protection Act (MMPA) allows the importation of legally-taken polar bears from certain populations in Canada. Applications for permits to import sport-hunted polar bear trophies from Canada may be obtained from the Service's Office of Management Authority 800-358-2104. Because Anchorage is not a designated port of entry for wildlife shipments, sport-hunted polar bear trophies may be cleared only at designated ports in the lower 48 states, except for trophies that are full mounts.  
Can I possess eagle feathers or other parts?
Only Native Americans are allowed to possess eagle feathers and parts for religious purposes, and a permit is required. You can obtain an application for this permit in Alaska by calling 907-786-3459 or 907-786-3693. Eagle feathers or other parts are distributed by the Service's Eagle Repository, located in Denver, Colorado. 
eagle alaska
Who in Alaska issues migratory bird permits?
For permits involving activities regarding migratory birds and eagles contact the Migratory Bird Office. Their telephone number is 907-786-3459 or 907-786-3693.

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